Vocaloid old-fashioned singing festival 2 [Special site]
■ Introduction
We have prepared a vocal sound source for those who want to try singing a mix but do not have a sound source for practice. The mixed sound source can be posted on Nico Nico Douga and YouTube, so it can also be used as a work sample. Since the recording environment such as microphone and IF is also specified, I think that it can be used to check the sound of the equipment.
These sound sources are kindly provided by the singer. When posting, please follow the following posting guidelines.
If you have any questions, please contact us on Twitter .
■ Posting guidelines
When posting to Twiiter, Nico Nico Douga, YouTube, please describe the following.
[When posting to Twitter]
① Hashtag "I borrowed a sound source from the #MIX practice sound source collection"
② URL of MIX practice sound source collection (https://www.mixreq-site.com/practice-guideline)
* I would be grateful if you could include your Twitter ID, etc.
[When posting to Nico Nico Douga]
Please describe the following in the summary column.
① "URL of the video I tried to sing" that I used
② URL of MIX practice sound source collection ( https://www.mixreq-site.com/practice-guideline )
* I would be grateful if you could include my list of singers and Twitter ID.
* Please register the "Singing video" and "Singing mix method ( im10608574 ) " that you used in the parent work.
[YouTube and other video sites]
Please describe the following in the summary column.
① "URL of the video I tried to sing" of the sound source used
② URL of MIX practice sound source collection ( https://www.mixreq-site.com/practice-guideline )
* I would be grateful if you could post the singer's channel and Twitter ID.
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